You Might Be Surprised To Find Out What A Pyramid REALLY Is...
"...corporations are really pyramid schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyone else below...A true network-marketing business is the exact opposite of a traditional business model. A network-marketing business is designed to bring you up to the top, not keep you down at the bottom. A true network-marketing business does not succeed unless it brings people to the top."-- Robert Kiyosaki
Sadly, network marketing has gotten a bad rap in the past due to the unscrupulous few who have preyed on the hopes and dreams of well-intentioned people looking for a better lifestyle through network marketing.
My goal here is not to convince you that network marketing is or is not a scam. You either believe in the honesty and viability of the industry or you subscribe to the hype.
One thing we need to clarify right off the bat is what a pyramid scheme is--and more importantly--what it is not.
A traditional pyramid structure implies that several people promote and sell products while a select few above them do less promotion/selling and reap more of the collected commissions. Ultimately, there is one person at the top of the pyramid, doing less of the selling and most of the income collecting. Does this familiar? Maybe, like a large corporation?
In large corporations, one person, usually the CEO, reaps the largest financial rewards. One need only look in recent publications to see evidence of how this structure works, as failing corporations are given millions--sometimes billions--in "bailout" money, only to have most of it go to top-level executives to pay their salaries and bonuses while ground-level employees see their pay cut, or jobs erased.
Network marketing works differently. Instead of one person sitting above a huge pay structure, more and more people who actively build their businesses and create sales for the company are rewarded with excellent income. Think of it as an upside-down triangle.
Network Marketing rewards hard work and performance with financial benefits and bonuses. To the victor goes the spoils. These pay structures are actually designed to benefit and reward those who produce the most sales. Unlike traditional corporations, where a lone CEO and a select few executives reap the majority of the company profits, network marketing is based on the success and efforts of those who strive to lead.
Sadly, network marketing has gotten a bad rap in the past due to the unscrupulous few who have preyed on the hopes and dreams of well-intentioned people looking for a better lifestyle through network marketing.
My goal here is not to convince you that network marketing is or is not a scam. You either believe in the honesty and viability of the industry or you subscribe to the hype.
One thing we need to clarify right off the bat is what a pyramid scheme is--and more importantly--what it is not.
A traditional pyramid structure implies that several people promote and sell products while a select few above them do less promotion/selling and reap more of the collected commissions. Ultimately, there is one person at the top of the pyramid, doing less of the selling and most of the income collecting. Does this familiar? Maybe, like a large corporation?
In large corporations, one person, usually the CEO, reaps the largest financial rewards. One need only look in recent publications to see evidence of how this structure works, as failing corporations are given millions--sometimes billions--in "bailout" money, only to have most of it go to top-level executives to pay their salaries and bonuses while ground-level employees see their pay cut, or jobs erased.
Network marketing works differently. Instead of one person sitting above a huge pay structure, more and more people who actively build their businesses and create sales for the company are rewarded with excellent income. Think of it as an upside-down triangle.
Network Marketing rewards hard work and performance with financial benefits and bonuses. To the victor goes the spoils. These pay structures are actually designed to benefit and reward those who produce the most sales. Unlike traditional corporations, where a lone CEO and a select few executives reap the majority of the company profits, network marketing is based on the success and efforts of those who strive to lead.
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