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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump Say About Network Marketing

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are concerned that the rich are getting richer but the poor are getting poorer. Donald and Robert want you to be rich and that is why they co-author the book: Why We Want You To Be Rich.

Donald Trump said: "Network marketing has proven itself to be a viable and rewarding source of income, and the challenges could be just right for you. There have been some remarkable examples of success, and those successes have been earned through diligence, enthusiasm and the right product combined with timing. As with so many issues, there are tangibles and intangibles involved, but success is not a total mystery, and that applies to network marketing, as well."

Robert Kiyosaki said: "Building a B-quadrant business is not an easy task. So you need to ask yourself, "Do I have what it takes? Am I willing to go beyond my comfort zones? Am I willing to be led and willing to learn to lead? Is there a very rich person inside me, ready to come out?" If the answer is yes, start looking for a network marketing business that has a great training program - one that emphasizes education and personal growth."

I have read many books of Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump and have benefitted from Robert Kiyosaki's business seminars, I was fortunate to attend a few seminars conducted by him and he has helped me made lots of money!

I also learned a lot from Donald Trump by watching his popular program: The Apprentice.

It is very obvious that Robert and Donald agree and recognize the power of network marketing to transform people's lives and make a positive difference to millions of people worldwide!

Robert Kiyosaki also wrote a network marketing best-selling book: The Business School for People Who Like Helping People. In his book he said: "Many network marketing companies are really business schools that teach values not found in traditional business schools...values such as the best way to become rich is to teach yourself and other people to become business owners, rather than teach them to be a loyal employee working for the rich."

For anyone who is interested in network marketing, I highly recommend you read "Why We Want You To Be Rich" and, of course, Robert Kiyosaki's network marketing best-seller: "The Business School for People Who Like Helping People."

Network marketing has created millions of millionaires and it is truly a proven and tested system for ordinary people to earn an extraordinary income! Having said that, over 97% of people in the home-based businesses or network marketing are happy to earn $300 to $1,000 or more a month and less than 3% are really serious about earning income from $3,000 to $10,000 or more a month! That is the reality of the business and I speak from over 14 years of network marketing experience.

I have also written a song: "Why Network Marketing?" which you can watch and listen on youtube and it has over 5.800 viewing! If you are tired of working hard in a job and getting nowhere, I highly recommend you give yourself a chance by looking into a network marketing opportunity because you only have one life and you want to make the best of it!

For things to change, first you must change. Albert Einstein defined the definition of insanity as doing the same thing and expecting a different result! You must have the courage to make a positive change to your life. There is a popular Chinese saying: "I rather live one day as a tiger than hundred years as a sheep!" It takes courage to take action towards living your dream!

Take responsibility for your results in life and take action to make a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

What is Networking

What is networking? It is simply the process of expanding your contacts with people.
Networking is carried out for different reasons whether it is to find a partner, meet like-minded people, find answers to your questions, career networking to get yourself a new job or build your business contacts.

It is by no means a new phenomenon but is just a word given to the natural process of getting to know people which has happened since humans first appeared on the earth.

What has changed though are the opportunities to expand our networks of contacts. With the advent of the internet you can now build relationships with people on the opposite side of the world and consequently the world is ‘getting smaller’ and there is now a massive global industry based around connecting people whether it be socially or for business.

Networking takes all sorts of different forms from on-line home networking forums, self-help groups and formal business networking groups through to informal liaisons that happen on the golf course or in the bar.

This website specifically focuses upon business networking with the aim of helping people like you and me who are in business to understand how you can generate more business through the process of expanding your contacts and building relationships with other like-minded business people.

What Is Business Networking?

What is business networking? It’s the process of expanding your contacts and building relationships with these people, within a business context. If one person isn’t able to help you then the chances are they will know someone who can. The more people you meet up and build relationships with the greater the chance that you will find the contacts you are looking for.
Networking is not selling
The first basic principle to understand is that networking is not about selling – it about building up relationships with people so you get to know each other. Once relationships have been built then you are likely to want to help each other, introduce you to your respective contacts and perhaps do business with one another.
‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know’
Perhaps you are looking for a new job, looking for potential clients, have some problems that need to be solved, are looking for support or are seeking reputable suppliers. Getting to know a network of people who might be able to help you and building relationships with them is the one of the most effective ways of achieving each of these aims.

‘People buy people’
People prefer to do business with others they know like and trust. Once people have developed a positive relationship with you they will want to help you, share their expertise and buy from you if they have a need for your products or services. Even if they don’t have a need for what you are selling themselves, they will want to put you in touch with others who do or others who can help you in other ways. This is what is known as a referral.
Networking is not just about attending an organised networking event
Nowadays there are many events that facilitate the business networking process. These range from the more formal private business networking clubs and open business networking events through to informal networking on the golf course and in the bar.

But networking isn’t just about the one-off event where brief introductions are made. It is about getting to know those people where there is a mutual benefit, understanding their needs and looking for opportunities to help them so over a period of time you can both benefit from the relationship.
So, that covers what is business networking but can anyone be an effective business networker?
The answer is yes – it is just about understanding some basic principles, putting some simple strategies in place and developing some simple but effective networking techniques. The benefits of business networking are enormous and anyone can capitalise on these if they just learn how.

The Benefits Of Business Networking?

Since becoming a serious networker I have discovered so many benefits of business networking that I would never have imagined how many advantages there are. So whether you have your own small business (or large), are employed by a larger organisation or are seeking new business opportunities and sales leads, here are just some reasons why it is worth investing some time and effort into expanding your contacts.
Generation of referrals /Increased business
Fact – 70% on average of all new business is gained through word of mouth and positive recommendation. As you develop your contacts and build up positive relationships with people you will find that you will naturally gain business and sales leads as people recommend your services. People like to pass business to those they know, like and trust. But this will only happen if you have a network of contacts in the first place.
Raising your profile
Just by expanding your contacts you are raising your profile – people now you exist and know what you do and you will more likely to be thought of if your products or services are required.

Free consultancy and advice
Generally, people like to help people and are willing to impart their expertise and advice to others who they have got to know, like and trust. You will find that as you build relationships with people the value of the help that is passed to you formally or informally will exceed any costs incurred by developing the relationships in the first place.
Knowing who to turn to when you need help
The benefits of business networking are not just about generating sales leads and referrals. How much time have you wasted in the past trying to find the right person or business to solve a problem for you? Have you resorted to looking in the local telephone book for a service or plucked a name off the internet only to be disappointed with the product or service provided? By getting to know reliable contacts who can provide you with what you want or who can be trusted to recommend others is worth so much in terms of your time and money.
Break down barriers to success
As you develop your contacts you start to find people who have experienced similar problems to yourself and who can point you in the right direction. All of a sudden so much more is possible and you will find yourself achieving so much more than you will have imagined.
Uncover new opportunities
You just ‘don’t know what you don’t know’. The same goes for business networking – you never know when a contact will be useful and will present you with new opportunities. If we restrict ourselves to our own narrow network of contacts we become comfortable and limit our ideas. As soon as we get to know others and become open minded to their ideas we suddenly open ourselves up to new possibilities, perhaps a new approach to doing something or even a new business venture which we may never otherwise have thought of.
Contact with like-minded individuals and development of friendships
One basic human need is to feel connected with like-minded individuals. By extending your contacts and getting to know them you’ll soon develop a network of people you will want to spend time with, share ideas with and learn from. One of the key benefits of business networking is that I’ve personally gained a number of really good friends I can now turn to even though initially the purpose was for business.
Increased confidence
The more you network the more you get used to explaining what you do and how you can help others. Clear communication of how you can help is crucial to winning business and this will only improve the more you do.
Satisfaction from helping others
Last but by no means least, one of the biggest advantages of networking in business is the increased capacity to help others. Have you ever thought just how good it feels when you have helped someone whether it is by saving them time and effort by providing them with a useful contact, passing someone a referral or directly giving someone a piece of useful advice? The benefits of business networking just keep on coming!

What is a referral?
A referral is the opportunity to do business with someone who potentially needs your products or services and is expecting you to contact them.

The person who has referred you (the referee) should know what services or products you provide and should trust you enough to recommend you to others.

If someone has a need for your product or service and you have been recommended to them, they will be receptive to you when you contact them. If on first contact you appear to live up to your reputation then you almost certainly will get the business, often with no questions even asked about the cost of what you offer.

How much easier it is to do business this way than taking a list of free sales leads and cold calling when so often you are relying on the person ‘having a good day’ and being receptive to what you have to offer?

The difference between sales leads and a referrals
A sales lead is simply a name given to you of someone who may be useful to you or who may require your products or services. It is not qualified like a referral as this person doesn’t necessarily need what you can offer at this point in time and may not have been informed of you and what you can offer.

Business Marketing
If you have a small business marketing is an essential activity to ensure:
*people know that your product or service exists
*the benefits you offer to your potential customers are clear
*and that your product or service is appropriately priced and distributed.

Without investing at least some time and money on marketing, your business is unlikely to grow and remain competitive.

However your challenge as a small business with limited budgets is to ensure that any investment in time and money is carefully spent and gets the results you want.

What is ‘marketing?’
There are many definitions and can be taken broadly to mean the processes involved in promoting and selling and distributing your product or services. A marketing strategy is in effect a plan which helps to ensure that you maximise the resources you have in order to increase sales and remain competitive.

So, this is about deciding what your product or service offering should be and working out where and to whom you should sell it, what price is should be sold at and how best to promote it. (If you want some jargon these are known as elements of the ‘marketing mix ‘– product, price, place, promotion.)

However, we are not going to go into the technical theory of marketing here instead give you some basic information to so you can begin to understand what options you have to promote your business.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Is This One Of Those "Pyramid Schemes?

You Might Be Surprised To Find Out What A Pyramid REALLY Is...

"...corporations are really pyramid schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO, and everyone else below...A true network-marketing business is the exact opposite of a traditional business model. A network-marketing business is designed to bring you up to the top, not keep you down at the bottom. A true network-marketing business does not succeed unless it brings people to the top."-- Robert Kiyosaki

Sadly, network marketing has gotten a bad rap in the past due to the unscrupulous few who have preyed on the hopes and dreams of well-intentioned people looking for a better lifestyle through network marketing.

My goal here is not to convince you that network marketing is or is not a scam. You either believe in the honesty and viability of the industry or you subscribe to the hype.

One thing we need to clarify right off the bat is what a pyramid scheme is--and more importantly--what it is not.

A traditional pyramid structure implies that several people promote and sell products while a select few above them do less promotion/selling and reap more of the collected commissions. Ultimately, there is one person at the top of the pyramid, doing less of the selling and most of the income collecting. Does this familiar? Maybe, like a large corporation?

In large corporations, one person, usually the CEO, reaps the largest financial rewards. One need only look in recent publications to see evidence of how this structure works, as failing corporations are given millions--sometimes billions--in "bailout" money, only to have most of it go to top-level executives to pay their salaries and bonuses while ground-level employees see their pay cut, or jobs erased.

Network marketing works differently. Instead of one person sitting above a huge pay structure, more and more people who actively build their businesses and create sales for the company are rewarded with excellent income. Think of it as an upside-down triangle.

Network Marketing rewards hard work and performance with financial benefits and bonuses. To the victor goes the spoils. These pay structures are actually designed to benefit and reward those who produce the most sales. Unlike traditional corporations, where a lone CEO and a select few executives reap the majority of the company profits, network marketing is based on the success and efforts of those who strive to lead.

Network Marketing: A Viable And Rewarding Source Of Income

There is a lot of buzz these days about network marketing, and for good reason. The economy is struggling, and when it does, the network marketing industry flourishes. Why is that? You need not listen to experts to understand why this occurs.

As the economy tightens, large corporations downsize. Good people lose their jobs and are forced to look for better options. And the savvy and talented entrepreneurs see these times as chapters of opportunity.

According to Donald Trump network marketing is a "viable and rewarding source of income" (from Why We Want You To Be Rich, by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki).

So it is no surprise that you are looking at the industry as a possible solution to any number of challenges you may be facing today.

The serious entrepreneur, to assist you in finding answers and learning more about this industry. In this lens you will learn:

-What to look for in a network marketing company
-Why timing is everything in building a network marketing business
-What a pyramid scheme is (you may be surprised to find yourself in one right now!)
-Old School vs. New School network marketing building tactics
-The importance of understanding the industry and what it can do for you
-the importance of learning from great mentors and aligning with strong teams

This will be the education you have been looking for to get you started down the lucrative path of home based business ownership.

Building Blocks Of Success

What To Look For In A Network Marketing Company

There are lots of things to consider as you do your research into network marketing opportunities. The keys to consider are the products, the training and support, and timing.

Be sure and chose a product line that makes sense to you. It has to be something that you believe in wholeheartedly. Believe it or not, one of the most common business-killers in the industry in not the person's inability to close sales or create effective advertising, it is their lack of belief in the product they are marketing. So get involved in something that you can believe in, benefit from, and share confidently with others.

Training and support is so critical that I have dedicated an entire portion of this lens to it. But I want to give a short primer to what you read below. The training and support you get from a strong team on industry-leading experts is the most important investment you will make. Learning how to effectively build a team and lead them to success takes mentorship and training, so be sure to seek out knowledgeable leaders who can get the job done.

The final point I want to make is on the importance of timing. Timing is everything in network marketing. If you join a company on the upswing of its growth, your income will accelerate. If you join during the downswing, well...let's just say you may be setting yourself up for frustration.

The key is doing your research, then taking action.

To put it bluntly, you can either make excuses or you can make money. Don't let that statement discourage you from doing your due diligence, but let me explain why that statement is so important to keep in mind.

There are several "phases" to any business, and some are more important than others when it comes to capitalizing on your investment. The basic phases of business growth are:
1. Pre-launch
2. Launch
3. Growth
4. Plateau

I will show you the most important--and most lucrative--phase to be in.

"Success doesn't just happen, it comes to those who take action." - Donald Trump Networkmarketing is here to stay and is a source of great wealth for many.

Captializing On The Momentum Of Growth

Why Jumping In Early Is So Critical For Success

"There have been some remarkable examples of success, and those successes have been earned through diligence, enthusiasm, and the right product combined with timing."-- Donald Trump

One of the greatest gifts in life is insight. Knowing when something is about to happen before it happens can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence. That is why this lens is so exciting.

I am sharing some exciting information that will revolutionize the way you look at home based business. Imagine what you would do if you could be transported back to 1976 when Apple was formed. What if you had the opportunity to invest in the revolutionary company then? Where might you be today? What about Sprint? Most people don't remember that Sprint started off as a network marketing company. Don't you wish you could have gotten in on the ground floor with that one?

Timing is essential to business success no matter what industry you're looking at! Think Big and just think what your life would look like if you had invested in Google at it's earliest conception? You probably wouldn't be reading this lens right now :)

My hope is that you are seeing the importance of timing, and how having the insight to take action can be a fortune waiting to be discovered.

Now consider the opportunity that is being presented here today. An opportunity to partner with a real estate mogul, and business icon, and a person who knows the importance of aligning himself with a proven company and solid products.

I share this with you only because I know the value of timing. I know how many people will be served by the power of this knowledge. The action-takers will reap handsome rewards. The steadfast and diligent entrepreneur will jump feet first at an opportunity to grind hard for a few months and reap a lifetime of rewards.

The choice is yours. But before we get too excited about potential rewards, let's answer one question...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Who is VMobile

VMobile Technologies Inc. (VMobile) was established in April 2008 as the latest addition to PentaCapital Group of Companies. PentaCapital is a leading independent investment house in the Philippines known for its unique expertise in debt and equity underwriting, financial advisory and project financing, especially for BOT/BLT projects, real estate, leisure and infrastructure projects. PentaCapital received its license from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) in 2006 to engage in trust, fiduciary and investment management services.
The inception of VMobile is a renewed commitment to ensure stability and address the growth requirement of LoadXtreme®. Originally dubbed as Universal Prepaid Loading System (or UPLoadSSM), the service offering was later introduced to the public as LoadXtreme® after a successful evaluation and acceptance by subscribers. It is one of the time-tested and proven features of the mobile commerce platform developed by the founding and present technical development team of VMobile.
Following the success of the LoadXtreme® program, VMobile is now venturing into the wellness industry by forming another division, the Xtreme Wellness. VMobile has partnered with Nature Ceuticals Corporation, a company that provides quality products that are beneficial to one’s health; promotes healthy lifestyle; and practices Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Together with Nature Ceuticals Corporation, VMobile aims to distribute wellness products to the market through its increasing network of dealers and retailers.


We want to lead in developing solutions and applications for Corporate, Direct Sales and Non-traditional marketing thru innovative and convergent use of internet, information and communication technologies. By 2010, VMobile shall be acclaimed as the most successful company in honing world-class ‘technopreneurs‘ by integrating social networks with innovative platforms that support and promote cooperative and independent trading.
LoadXtreme® shall be lauded as Asia’s for prepaid products and services. Filipinos shall then be regarded as a race fit for global competition and excellence.

To empower people by creating platforms that advance entrepreneurial ingenuity using technology applications and innovations.
Due to the constant and massive growth of the telecommunications sector in Asia-Pacific region, we also aim to develop other applications that primarily target subscribers of telecoms companies.
We also aim to provide our employees with personal and career development. We shall constantly improve our customer relations and services by reducing customer-response time to the shortest possible time. Lastly, we aim to give our shareholders fair return on their equity.

Empowerment through technology.
We believe in empowering the Filipinos through our tested Technology. We want to provide viable business opportunities to our fellowmen who want to become entrepreneurs. We want our members to realize their dreams. Most importantly, we want to make a difference by helping them to become independent and successful TECHNOPRENEURS.

VMobile Motivation

Passive Income

BOM by Peewee Guasque, VMobile Top Earner